Deleting an Attendance Exception
Note: Attendance exception tracking is an optional feature. If your company does not use attendance tracking, the information on this page will not apply to you.
To delete an employee attendance exception:
Click the Home tab.
Under the Home tab, click the Employee Attendance link.
Click the Attendance Exceptions link.
Click the
button (next to the Find button). The Employee ID Lookup
window opens. Select the employee whose attendance exception you want
to delete.
Note: A summary of the employee's recent attendance exceptions and corrective actions by tracking code is displayed. The tracking codes and the default time period for this display are defined by your ADP ezLaborManager representative based on your company's policies. If your company assigns points to attendance exceptions and corrective actions, the Points column indicates the employee's point total for each tracking code and his or her current total point balance. (If your company has chosen not to display points for the employee, the Points column does not appear on the page.) The Number of Records column indicates the number of transactions for each tracking code.
To view only exceptions
with a specific tracking code, click in the Tracking
Code field and select the appropriate tracking code. The page will
refresh immediately.
To view exceptions for a time period other than the default, use the date selection tools to specify a new date range.
To view a list of attendance exceptions in a tracking category, click anywhere in the row for that tracking code. The Attendance Exception Detail page opens and lists details about the individual attendance exceptions. For a description of the exact information displayed, see Viewing and Editing Employee Attendance Exceptions.
Tip: To view detailed information about all attendance exceptions for the selected employee and time period, select All in the Tracking Code field and then click anywhere in the Total row of the Attendance Exceptions page.
From the Attendance Exception Detail page, click in the Date column of the row containing the exception you want to delete. The Edit Attendance Exception page opens.
You can only delete attendance exceptions with dates prior to the current
pay period. Such dates are displayed as links in the list of attendance
exceptions. Clicking a date link opens the Edit Attendance Exception
page. From this page, you can either delete the selected attendance
exception (see below) or edit it.
You cannot delete attendance exceptions that fall in the current pay
period, so the date value for these exceptions do not appear as links.
On the Edit Attendance Exception page, click the Delete button.
In the confirmation dialog box that opens, click the OK button.