Your employer may require you to include on your timecard those hours during your normal schedule that you did not work. To record non-worked time, you must record the non-worked hours on the timecard and then assign an appropriate earnings code, such as Vacation or Illness, to them.

Notes: If your company uses the Time Off Request feature, any requested time off that is approved will automatically be applied to your schedule. If your company does not use the Time Off Request feature, your supervisor can manually create non-worked schedules for you for planned non-worked time such as vacations.

Regardless of whether a non-worked schedule is created manually by your supervisor or automatically by the Time Off Request feature, if your company uses automatic time generation for non-worked time, your scheduled non-worked time will automatically be recorded when the days of the approved non-worked time arrive. If your company uses these features, you will only need to perform the procedure below in the event of unplanned non-worked time (for example, due to illness or bereavement).

To manually record time that you did not work due to illness, vacation, jury duty, bereavement, etc., perform the following steps:

  1. On the My Home page, click the My Timecard icon.

  2. If the day for which you need to enter information is not displayed on the timecard, use the date selection tools to change the view to an appropriate date range.

    You can use the drop-down menu to select a predefined date range or use the start and end date fields (or the Calendar Lookup buttons) to define a range of dates. If you select a predefined date range, the timecard will refresh immediately. If you enter a start and end date manually or using the Calendar Lookup buttons, you must click Find to refresh the timecard with data for the dates you have chosen.

    Although you can use the date selection tools to view timecard information for other dates, you can only enter data for dates that fall within the current or next pay period.

  3. If a blank row does not appear for the appropriate date, click the Add button on an existing row to create a new row with the same date.

    Tip: You can also use the Insert button to add new rows.

  4. In the Time In column of an empty row for the appropriate day, enter the starting time for the non-worked period. If you are recording a full day of non-worked time, enter your normal starting time.

  5. In the Time Out column, enter the ending time for the non-worked hours. If you are recording a full day of non-worked time, enter your normal out time.

    Note: Even though you are a time-based employee and are generally required to record your in and out time, your employer may ask you to enter certain periods of non-worked time using total hours rather than in and out times. For instance, if you are recording a vacation day, you may be required to enter 8 hours in the Hours column and then select the Vacation earnings code, rather than entering your normal start and end times. It is important to use the correct method employed by your company, or your compensation may be calculated incorrectly. Contact your supervisor if you are unsure how to report your non-worked time.

  6. After you have entered your times or hours, click the Lookup button in the Earnings Code column and select from the pop-up window the appropriate code (such as Vacation or Illness).

  7. If the Days column is displayed in the timecard, use the drop-down menu in that column to select how many days (or what portion of a day) worth of the associated accrued benefit you are using. For example, if you are recording a full sick day, select 1 from the Days column to indicate that your accrued sick day benefit should be reduced by one day.

    The Days column will only be visible if your company tracks your benefits in days and you have selected, somewhere on your timecard, an earnings code associated with a benefit that is tracked in days.

    If you do not select a value in the Days column and one is required, the application will calculate the appropriate value. This is only done once, however. If you change the hours of non-worked time after the initial calculation, you must manually change the Days value.

    You must use one of the values in the drop-down menu. 

  8. If you want to include any additional information about the non-worked time you are recording, click the Note button on the right side of the page, enter a note in the pop-up window, and click the Done button.

    When you click the Notes button, the Notes window opens above the row and the row is highlighted so that you can see which row you are adding, viewing, or editing notes for. Depending on whether a note has already been added and submitted for a row, the following buttons are displayed:

    Blank Note - A note does not exist for a row. This is also the default note icon which is displayed before any notes have been added to a row.

    post-it_cleared.gif - All text has been deleted from a note window, but the page has not been submitted since the text was deleted.

    Written and Submitted Note - A note exists for a row and the page has been submitted since the note was added or edited.

    Written Note but not Submitted - A note exists for a row, but the page has not yet been submitted since the note was added or edited.

  9. If you need to record another day or period of non-worked time, repeat steps 1-10.

  10. Click the Save button to record your new data.

If your information meets basic validation requirements, the timecardwill refresh with an "Operation Successful" message displayed near the top of the page.

The timecard displays status information about each entry on the timecard. See Reading Your Time Entries for information about the icons used to indicate status.

If you normally use the Out Type column to record your lunch period, consult with your manager about the proper way to record your non-worked hours to ensure that your total number of non-worked hours is accurate.

If you later need to come back and edit an entry, keep in mind that your company may be set up so that once your supervisor has approved an entry, the entry is locked and you cannot make any further changes to it. If your company is configured this way, you can only edit entries on your timecard that have not yet been approved by your supervisor. If one or more of your entries has been locked for this reason, the following message is displayed at the top of the Timecard page: "Rows may be disabled because supervisor approval has occurred."

If your company is not configured this way, you can continue to edit entries on your timecard after supervisor approval has occurred. If you edit entries that have been approved by you or your supervisor, the approvals will be removed and you and/or your supervisor will have to approve your timecard again.

Regardless of how your company is configured for editing timecard entries, you can only edit entries in the current or next pay period.

If you have questions about editing your timecard, contact your supervisor.