Creating New Labor Charge Field Values by Copying Existing Values
You can create a new labor charge field value quickly by copying an existing value and then editing and saving the copy with a new ID. Copying is particularly useful if you want to create a new value with similar settings to an existing value. Creating new values by copying, rather than by using the Add New button, can save time and increase accuracy.
To create a new labor charge field value by copying an existing value:
Click the Setup tab.
Under the Setup
tab, click Department.
A Department Values
page (where Labor Charge
is the name of the labor charge field you selected) opens and displays
the specific department
codes that have been created.
the Department Values
page, click the button in the right
column of the row containing the value you want to copy. A Labor
Charge page opens that contains a copy of the properties of
the original value.
Tip: You can use the Search Options tools at the top of the Department Values page to search by ID or Description for the value you want to copy.
In the first field of the Department page, delete the existing ID and enter a new, unique ID for the new value you are creating. This field is required.
Tip: The label for the first field will have the same name as the labor charge field. The ID is a code consisting of up to 25 letters and/or numbers that a user will enter into the labor charge field on the Time Sheet, Timecard Manager, scheduling pages, etc. It is helpful to make the ID short and easy to remember.
In the Description section, enter a new, brief description of the value in each language supported by your company. This field is required. Both the ID and the description are displayed in labor charge value lookup windows.
Tip: Although you can use the descriptions that were copied from the original value, ADP strongly recommends assigning unique descriptions to every labor charge field value.
In the Start Date field, click
the button and select
the date on which you want the value to become available for use.
In the End Date field, click
the button and select
the last date on which you want the value to be available for use.
Tip: Entering a start date and end date is not required. Values without start and end dates defined are always available if the Active check box is selected. If a start date is defined for a value but no end date is specified, the value will be available indefinitely after the start date has passed, as long as the Active box is checked. If an end date is defined but no start date is given, the value will be available until the end date has passed, as long as the Active box is checked.
If necessary, click the Active check box to make the new value active or inactive.
The Active check box allows you to make a labor charge field value
unavailable without deleting it permanently. When you create a new
value by copying an existing value, the new value will inherit the
Active setting of the original value.
If the Active check box is selected and no start and end dates are
defined, the value is always available. If the Active check box is
selected and start and end dates are defined, the value is only available
during the specified date range.
Click Submit to save the new Department field value.