Edit Attendance Exception Page
The fields on the Edit Attendance Exception page are described in the table below.
Attendance Date |
The date on which the attendance exception occurred. This is a required field. If you change this date, the date you specify must fall in a past pay period. |
Time Processor Exception |
The timecard exception that is associated with each attendance occurrence in this tracking code. For example, the ERLOUT tracking code tracks each occurrence of the Clocked Out Early timecard exception. |
Attendance Tracking Code |
The attendance tracking category in which one or more attendance events occurred to cause the attendance exception. Tracking codes are set up by your ADP ezLaborManager representative according to your company's policies. Some examples of common tracking codes include ABSENT and ERLOUT (Early Out). This field is required. |
Earnings Code |
The earnings code, if any, associated with the attendance events that triggered the attendance exception. For example, your company may create exceptions for excessive sick time. This type of attendance exception is associated with the earnings code your company uses to recorded sick time. |
Edit Reason |
The reason
for the edit you are making. Use the |
Hours |
The number of hours associated with the attendance occurrence or occurrences that caused the exception. |
Points |
The number of attendance points assessed to the employee as a result of the attendance exception. If your company has chosen not to display points for the employee, the Points field does not appear on the page. |
Occurrences |
The number of attendance events that contributed to the exception. For example, your company may generate an exception if an employee is late three times in one week. The exception generated when this threshold is reached will show 3 occurrences of late arrivals. This is a required field. |
Excused |
The excused/ unexcused status of the attendance exception. An excused exception remains in an employee's exception history, but any points usually associated with the exception are not assessed. A check mark in this box indicates that an exception has been excused. |
Note |
If a note has
been added for the attendance exception, the If time pair notes were entered in the Timecard Manager, those notes also appear in the Notes window for the time pair. However, the time pair notes cannot be edited in this window. If you want to edit them, you must do so in the Timecard Manager. |