The Delete this recurring schedule assignment update mode allows you to delete a recurring schedule assignment for multiple employees who are assigned to the same schedule.

To delete a recurring schedule assignment using this mode, you must identify the recurring schedule ID and the start date of the assignment you want to delete. You can then manually select employees with the specified recurring schedule assignment, or you can use a link to automatically select all employees in your filtered grid that share the assignment. You cannot delete in one action multiple recurring schedule assignments that have different recurring schedule IDs or start dates.

To delete a recurring schedule assignment for one or more employees:

  1. From the Home page, click the Schedules link.

  2. Click the Recurring Schedules tab. The Edit Single action mode will be selected by default.

  3. Select the Delete or Restore Multiple radio button.

  4. In the Update Mode field, click Down Arrow and select Delete this recurring schedule assignment.

  5. Click the Lookup button next to the Recurring Schedule field and select the recurring schedule you want to delete.

  6. Click the Calendar Lookup button next to the Date field and select the start date of the assignment that you want to delete.

    You cannot delete a schedule with a start date that falls in a past pay period.

  7. In the Employee column of the schedule grid, select each employee for whom you want to change the end date of the selected recurring schedule. To select multiple employees, click each employee name in succession. Each employee you select will be added to your cumulative selection and will be highlighted. To deselect a highlighted employee, click the employee's name again.

    Depending upon how your system is configured, an employee may have more than one Employee ID. You may need to adjust the Employee Filter and Schedule Filter, change the date range, and/or use the scroll bars if the recurring schedule assignment you want to delete is not visible in the schedule grid.

  8. If you want to select all employees who have assignments with the same recurring schedule ID and start date, click the Select all employees with this assignment link. Alternatively, if you want to delete the assignment from only some of the employees to whom it is assigned, manually select the employees by clicking a cell within the matching assignment for each employee you want to select.

    If you select an employee, schedule, or date that is not part of a matching schedule assignment, a confirmation pop-up window will ask you whether you want to discard your previous selection. In this update mode, you cannot select two different recurring schedule assignments.

  9. Click the Delete button.

  10. In the dialog box, click OK to confirm the action.