Starting Point: Administrator Services > Administration > Setup > Hosted Timeclock Configuration

If you want to add a new timeclock definition that is very similar to (and/or should have the same employees assigned to it as) an existing timeclock definition, you can copy the existing timeclock definition instead of creating a new definition from scratch.

To copy a timeclock:

  1. In the Action column, click the green arrow for the timeclock you want to copy and then click Edit Timeclock.

  2. Click Copy.

  3. If you want to modify the name of the timeclock, edit the value in the ID field. This name must be 25 or fewer characters in length and cannot contain any special characters.

  4. If you want to modify the description of the timeclock, edit the value in the Description field, The description must be 100 or fewer characters in length and cannot contain special characters.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Update the timeclock settings, as needed.

  7. Click the Submit button to save the edited timeclock definition. The Timeclocks page will be redisplayed.