Using the Inbox |
You can view your automated messages at any time by selecting Home from the Time & Attendance menu. Your messages are listed under the Administrator Notifications section and the Inbox section. You can also view all of your Inbox messages regardless of which role you have selected. For example, if you have selected the Employee role, can view all of your messages, including those related to your Manager and Practitioner roles. However, your Practitioner Notifications can only be viewed when you have selected the Practitioner role.
The following sections describe each area of the Inbox and the tasks you can perform in those areas.
The top section of the Inbox contains two links:
The left side of the Inbox displays a folder for each alert type for which you currently have a message. For each folder, the name of the alert type and the number of messages contained in the folder are displayed next to it. When you click a folder, a brief description for each message in the folder (both read and unread) is displayed on the right side of the Inbox. To indicate the highest priority level that a message has in the folder, one of the following icons is displayed next to a folder:
Medium — (No icon is displayed for this priority level.)
When you receive a message in your Inbox, click the folder for the alert type on the left side of the Inbox. All read and unread messages for that alert type are then displayed on the right side of the Inbox with a short description. To view the details for a message, click a message's description. The details sections then opens below the message with instructions for completing any needed tasks. If the message indicates that you need to complete a task, click the link in the details section to go directly to the page where the task can be completed. If you do not need to complete a task, the message indicates that no action is required. The content of the details section varies with each type of message.
Tip: If you want to view only those messages that you have already read, select Read Messages from the Filter drop-down menu. If you want to view only those messages that you have not read, select Unread Messages from the Filter drop-down menu. The default setting is to show all messages.
For each message, the following information is displayed:
Priority level — An icon is displayed next to each message indicating the level of importance that your company has defined for a message. The icons provide you with a visual indication of a message's importance. The possible priority levels are:
- Medium: (No icon is displayed for this priority level.)
- High:
- Highest:
Description — A short statement of a message’s content.
Message Date — The date and time a message was generated.
Due Date — If a task is associated with a message, the date when the task must be completed.
To mark a message as ”Unread” so that it is displayed more prominently
(in bold type) and is displayed in the list of unread messages, select
the check box next to the message and then click the Mark
as Unread link.
To mark a message as ”Read” so that it is displayed less prominently (in
plain type) and is displayed in the list of read messages, select the
check box next to the message and then click the Mark
as Read link.
To sort the list of messages alphabetically, click the Description
To sort the list of messages by the date the message was created, click
the Message Date heading.
To sort the list of messages by the date when a required task must be completed,
click the Due Date heading.
To sort the messages by priority level, click the header area of the priority
column. (When the messages are sorted by priority, a triangle () is displayed at the top of the
priority column. Clicking the triangle causes the list to be sorted in
the opposite priority order.)