Configuring an Employee's Phone Access |
If your company has purchased the Time & Attendance module Phone module, you can assign your employees phone IDs and PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) that they can use to perform basic time and attendance tasks over the telephone. As a practitioner, you can also edit or delete Phone IDs and PINs.
Note: Your company must have purchased the Time & Attendance module Phone module for your employees to be able to use this feature.
To configure or edit an employee’s phone access:
From the Time & Attendance menu, select Maintenance.
Note: If the Maintenance option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Practitioner in the Role Selector.
Under the Employee heading on the Maintenance page, click the Employee Positions (or Employees) link.
On the Employees page, click
the button (next to the Find button). The Employee ID Lookup window opens. Select the employee for
whom you want to configure phone access.
In the Employees section,
click the button. The Change
Phone PIN window opens, where you can configure the employee's phone
access settings.
To create or change the employee’s phone ID, select the Change Phone ID check box and then enter the new phone ID in the Phone ID field. The Time & Attendance module will display a message if you select a phone ID that does not meet your company requirements.
To create or change the employee’s Phone PIN, select the Change Phone PIN check box and then enter the new telephone PIN in the Phone PIN field. The Time & Attendance module will display a message if you select a PIN that does not meet your company requirements.
In the Confirm Phone PIN field, re-enter the telephone PIN that you entered in the previous step.
Click the Submit button.