For most companies the Time & Attendance module
is configured so that End of Period Operations cannot be performed
until after the last day of the current pay period. If you need
to close a pay period and run payroll before the scheduled end
of the pay period due to a holiday, office closure, or other special
event, contact an ADP Time & Attendance Representative.
An ADP Time & Attendance Representative
can temporarily enable you to perform end of period operations
before the end of period.
If your company's payroll schedule makes it necessary for you to
run payroll before the end of every pay period, use the Projected
Payroll feature. For more information, see Projecting
If you leave End of Period Operations and return later, you
must work through all of the steps from the beginning, so that
the Time & Attendance module
can check for any new errors or exceptions. Even if you locked
the pay cycle when you began your End of Period Operations, users
with special pay cycle access may have entered new data since
that time. This new data could cause new exceptions. By requiring
you to work through all of the steps each time you use the End
of Period Operations interface, the Time & Attendance module
reduces the likelihood that pay period data errors will cause
your pay period move to fail.
Although you can return to a previously completed step, you
cannot jump forward through the steps, even if you have previously
completed them. You can only move forward through the steps by
clicking the Next Step
or Run Automatically button.
These buttons are only available if all of the conditions for
the current step have been met.
You can generate a Manager
Approval Status Report, which displays the following information:
and the employees they are responsible for approving.
approval status for each employee. An employee’s time is only
considered Approved
when all time pairs have been approved by the manager for the selected
time frame. If one or more time pairs are not approved, the
employee’s time is shown as Unapproved.
To access the Supervisor Approval Status
Click the Reports
button in the upper right corner of any Time & Attendance module
Under Report Categories,
click the Administrator Reports
link. The Administrator Reports page opens.
Next to the Supervisor Approval Status Report,
click the button. The report
immediately opens using the default Time & Attendance module
settings. If you want to customize the report settings before
the report is generated, click the button.