To edit an existing holiday within a holiday program:

  1. From the Time & Attendance menu, select Setup.

    Note: If the Setup option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Practitioner in the Role Selector.

  2. Under the Dates heading, click the Holiday Programs link. The Holiday Programs page displays a list of the holiday programs defined for your company.

  3. Click the name of the holiday program that contains the holiday you want to edit. The Holiday Program page opens and displays a description of the holiday program, the option settings for the program, and a list of the specific holidays that have been defined for the program.

    If the list of holiday programs used by your company is long, use the Search Options to help you find the holiday program that contains the holiday you want to edit.

    For information about editing the holiday program options, which apply to all holidays within the program, see Editing a Holiday Program.

  4. Click the Select Holidaybutton for the holiday you want to edit. The Holiday Program page expands to display a Holiday Detail section. The Holiday Detail shows the settings that define when the holiday occurs, how employees qualify for the holiday, and how the holiday is paid.

    Tip: You may need to scroll down to view the Holiday Detail section.

  5. If necessary, edit the description in the Holiday Description field. This description appears in the list of holidays on the Holiday Program page and can help you determine which holiday to select when you are viewing or editing holidays.

    Note: If your company supports more than one language, edit the descriptions in the text box for each language as well.

  6. If necessary, change the definition of the holiday date by selecting a different method and/or changing the date settings in the Holiday Date section of the page. The available methods are:

  7. If necessary, select or de-select the Award Holiday in Advance check box.

    If this option is selected, the holiday is awarded (entered on employees' timecards) when it first falls in either the current or next pay period. If this option is not selected, the holiday is not awarded until the actual day of the holiday.

    When a holiday is awarded in advance, the Holiday Processor does not evaluate all of the qualification rules defined in the holiday qualification rule assigned to the holiday. For example, any qualification rules based on employees' schedules or worked time are not evaluated. Only the probation period, which is defined relative to employees' service dates, is considered when holidays are awarded in advance.

  8. If your company uses a "special day" rate to pay employees who work on a scheduled holiday, edit (if necessary) the settings that determine the window during which special holiday rates should apply. The choices are:

    Note: Special day rules are defined and maintained by ADP according to your company's policies. If you have questions about how special day pay is calculated for your company, contact an ADP Time & Attendance Representative.

  9. If you need change the holiday qualification rule associated with the holiday, click the Select button in the Holiday Qualification field and select the appropriate rule from the lookup window.

    Note: This rule specifies what conditions an employee must meet in order to be paid for the holiday. The rules that appear in the lookup window have been created by ADP according to your company's holiday policies. If you are unsure which rule to select, contact an ADP Time & Attendance Representative.

  10. If you need change the holiday pay distribution rule associated with the holiday, click the Select button in the Holiday Pay Distribution field and select the appropriate rule from the lookup window.

    Note:  This rule specifies which labor charge categories and earnings codes holiday pay is charged to and how many hours of holiday pay employees receive. Holiday pay distribution rules are created and maintained for your company by ADP. If you are unsure which rule to select, contact an ADP Time & Attendance Representative.

  11. If the selected holiday pay distribution rule prorates the number of hours awarded for a holiday or uses an average based on an employee's recent schedule to determine holiday hours and you need to change the date on which calculation of the proration or average should begin, click the Select Date button in the Specific start date for average/prorate field select the appropriate date.

    Note: Contact an ADP Time & Attendance Representative if you are uncertain whether this option applies or if you have questions about the average/prorate pay distribution method.

  12. Click the Submit button.