Reconciliation compares the projected payroll used to generate employee payments to the actual hours worked and recorded by employees. At a minimum, the Reconciliation feature compares each employee's projected and actual number of hours per earnings code for each day in a pay period. Your company may also choose to compare and reconcile the rates used to calculate an employee's pay. If any discrepancies exist between employees' projected and actual hours per earnings code (and/or rates, if enabled for reconciliation), the Time & Attendance module automatically creates reconciliation adjustments. These adjustments are calculated to adjust the employee's payroll to reflect his/her actual hours, earnings codes, and earned rates. These automatically generated adjustments are not posted to employee's records until a practitioner approves them.

The reconciliation process cannot occur until all of the days in a pay period have passed and the pay period has been closed. Therefore, reconciliation adjustments are reflected in employees' payroll in the pay period after the pay period for which the employee's payroll was projected. All reconciliation records for a pay period must be reviewed and either accepted or rejected before the next pay period is closed. During the End of Period process, the Time & Attendance module checks for unreconciled records and, if any are found, provides a link to them.

Although you must review any outstanding reconciliation records during the End of Period process, you can review them at any time after they have been generated. The Reconciliation Processor that performs the automatic comparisons and generates reconciliation adjustments runs a few minutes after each projected pay period is closed.

Only those reconciliation adjustments that are accepted by a practitioner are ever applied. When they are accepted, these adjustments are recorded as non-editable payroll adjustments on employees' timecards. Posted reconciliation adjustments can be viewed by the appropriate practitioners, managers, and employees.

To review and accept or reject the projected payroll reconciliation adjustments created automatically by the Time & Attendance module:

  1. From the Time & Attendance menu, select Maintenance.

    Note: If the Maintenance option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Practitioner in the Role Selector.

  2. Under the click the Payroll Reconciliation link. The Payroll Reconciliation page opens and displays a summary of the reconciliation status for each pay cycle that is configured for projected payroll and reconciliation.

    Note: The Reconciliation Data column on the Payroll Reconciliation page indicates whether the Reconciliation Processor has run successfully for a pay cycle. If the status is "Available," the Reconciliation Processor has generated any adjustments required to reconcile the projected and actual data for the pay period. For pay periods with available reconciliation data, the Incomplete column displays how many employee records (if any) contain adjustments that have not yet been accepted or rejected by a practitioner.

  3. Click the number that appears in the Incomplete column for the pay cycle you want to reconcile. The Payroll Reconciliation Summary page opens and displays a summary of the reconciliation adjustments created automatically for a single employee. For a description of each field on this page, see The Payroll Reconciliation Summary Page.

    Note: If the number in the Incomplete column of the Payroll Reconciliation page is zero (0), no reconciliation records require attention and you do not need to proceed further to reconcile the pay period.

  4. Review and accept or reject the reconciliation adjustments for the employee, as follows:

  1. Repeat step 4 as necessary, until you have reviewed the reconciliation records for all employees.


The numbers in parentheses near the top of the page indicate how many employees have unreviewed records. After you have accepted and/or rejected all reconciliation records for an employee, the total number decreases. For example, (1 of 8) indicates that eight employees have unreviewed records and the first of these employees is being displayed. In this case, if the Accept All button were clicked, the screen would refresh to show a new employee and the count would change to (1 of 7). When you have reviewed the adjustments for all employees, the count indicator is no longer displayed.

After you have reviewed and accepted or rejected all reconciliation records, ADP recommends that you run a Reconciliation Report. The Reconciliation Report lists the details of every reconciliation adjustment, including those that were rejected. This report can help you verify the accuracy of your payroll exports. The Reconciliation Report can only be run for the previous pay period, so it is important that you run this report before closing the pay period again.