Creating a New Recurring Schedule Template Based on an Existing Template |
You can create a recurring schedule template quickly by copying an existing template and then editing the copy and saving it with a new name. Copying is particularly useful if you want to create a new recurring schedule template that has a pattern that is similar to that of an existing template. Creating new templates by copying, rather than by using the Add New button, can save time and increase accuracy.
To create a new recurring schedule template by copying an existing template:
From the Time & Attendance menu, select Recurring Schedules. The Recurring Schedules page opens and displays the name and description of each recurring schedule template that has been defined for your company.
Note: If the Recurring Schedules option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Practitioner in the Role Selector.
6. In
the row that contains the recurring schedule template you want to copy,
click the
button. A Recurring Schedule page opens that contains a copy of the properties
and scheduled time pairs defined in the original recurring schedule template.
You can use the Search Options tools
at the top of the Recurring Schedules page to search for the name or the
description of the template you want to copy.
If you cannot tell from the recurring schedule name and description on
the Recurring Schedules page which recurring schedule template you want
to copy, click a template name to see more detail. The Recurring Schedule
page opens and displays all of the schedule settings for the recurring
schedule you selected. When you find the template you want to copy, click
the Copy button on the Recurring
Schedule page.
7. In the Recurring Schedule field, delete the name of the copied recurring schedule template and enter a name for the new template you are creating. This name must be distinct from all existing recurring schedule names. It can be up to 25 characters in length.
8. In the Description field, edit or replace the copied description.
The text entered in the Description field will be displayed in the Recurring
Schedule Lookup window and can help practitioners
and managers determine
which template to select when assigning schedules.
A description must be present in the text box marked with a red triangle
( ). If your company supports
more than one language, edit the descriptions in the text box for each
8. If
you want to change the start date for the new template, click the button
in the Start Date field and select the earliest date on which you want
the template to be applied to employee schedules.
Note: The Start Date limits which dates on an employee's schedule the template can be applied to. It does not restrict when practitioners and managers can view or assign the recurring schedule. Practitioners and managers can view and assign a recurring schedule any time after its template has been created. For example, if the Start Date defined for a recurring schedule template is July 6, 2008, a practitioner or manager can only assign an employee to begin working that schedule on or after July 6, 2008. The practitioner or manager can record the recurring schedule assignment at any time (even before July 6, 2008), but the schedule cannot be applied to any dates before July 6, 2008, on the employee's schedule.
9. If you want to delete one or more of the rows copied from the original recurring schedule template, select the check box in the Delete column for each row you want to delete.
10. Edit the rows copied from the original template and/or add new rows as necessary. For information about the fields in each row and how to define different types of schedules, see Creating a New Recurring Schedule Template.
11. After you have entered
all of your edits for the recurring schedule, click the Submit
The Recurring Schedules page opens with the new template displayed in the
list of recurring schedules. The new template can now be used by any practitioner or manager. For instructions, see
Assigning Recurring Schedules
to Employees.
Note: Only rows that have been assigned a valid week number will be saved in the template. If you do not use all of the blank rows available, the unused rows will be discarded when you click the Submit button.