As a practitioner, you can edit the security groups to which a terminated employee is assigned. You may want to do this so that other practitioners can view the terminated employee.

For terminated employees, security group assignments are the only information you can change.

You can also use the following instructions if you reactivate an employee and need to update the employee's security group assignments.

To update a terminated or reactivated employee's security group assignments:

  1. From the Time & Attendance menu, select Maintenance.

    Note: If the Maintenance option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Practitioner in the Role Selector.

  2. Under the Employee heading on the Maintenance page, click the Terminated Employee Positions (or Terminated Employees) link.

  3. On the Terminated Employee Positions page, click the Select button (next to the Find button). The Employee ID Lookup window opens. Select the employee whose security group assignment you want to change.

  4. On the left side of the page, click the Employee Security menu item.

  5. Edit the security group assignments as needed.

  6. Click the Submit button.