Note: This topic assumes that you are the designated primary reviewer for the requesting employee, but the procedure is nearly identical if you are reviewing the request in some other capacity. The key difference is that primary reviewers receive Inbox notifications each time the status of one of their employees' requests changes. In some cases, a global reviewer will receive an Inbox message asking him or her to act on a request that has not yet been reviewed by the primary reviewer. In most cases, however, only the requester's immediate manager receives messages about the employee's time off requests.

After an employee submits a new time off request, you will receive an Inbox message (and, depending on your company's configuration and your own Inbox preferences, possibly an e-mail message as well) indicating that the request is ready for review. You can review the request  and approve, partially approve, or deny it.

To review an employee's time off request from the Practitioner role:

  1. When you receive and read the message in your Time & Attendance module Inbox indicating that a time off request is awaiting your review, click the link in the message to open the time off request in the Time Off Request page.

    Tip: To navigate to a time off request without using an Inbox message link, select Maintenance from the Time & Attendance menu. Then, on the Maintenance Employee section, click the Time Off Requests link. This opens the Time Off Requests page. By default, this list displays the pending requests of employees who belong to security groups to which you have access. To open one of these requests so that you can review it, simply click the request number in the left column.

  2. For each row in the request table displayed on the Time Off Request page, select either the Approve or Deny check box. You can use the check box in the header row of these columns if you want to quickly approve or deny all of the rows in the request.

    Tips: You can click the Non-Worked Schedule button in a row to view, in a pop-up window, any non-worked schedules that have already been scheduled for other employees and that overlap the specific date and time for which time off is being requested on that row. This information can help you monitor your staffing levels as you make decisions about scheduling employees for non-worked time.

    If your company tracks accrued benefits, an Accruals table near the top right corner of the page displays information about the employee's accrual balances, which you may also want to consider. The Time & Attendance module does not prevent employees from requesting time off that will result in negative accrual balances. The Accruals table includes the following columns:

    Accrual Description — The name of each accrual that applies to the employee.

    Earnings Codes — The earnings code used to award, and to record usage of, the employee's hours in each specific accrual. An accrual may include hours that are attributed to more than one earnings code. For example, your company may have more than one type of ”Paid Time Off” and may track each with a different earnings code. If more than one earnings code is associated with an accrual, a folder icon (Expanding Folder) is displayed in this column and a number next to the folder indicates how many earnings codes correspond to the accrual. Clicking the folder opens an expanded list of the individual earnings codes.

    Balance — The employee's current balance for each accrual, as of the time at which a time pair was last processed for the employee. The balances in this column only reflect accrual transactions and time pairs that have already been recorded.

    Scheduled — The total non-worked time that has been scheduled, but has not yet been recorded as time pairs, for each listed accrual. This total includes scheduled non-worked time beginning with the day after the last accrual transaction or the first day of the current pay period (whichever is later). Non-worked time that is scheduled as part of regular recurring schedules is not included in this total.

    Request Approved — The number of hours in each accrual that are marked for approval in the current request. The values in this column will continue to change as you approve and deny each row in the request table.

    Definition— The short code used to refer to the accrual.

    The values in the Balance and Scheduled columns are equivalent to the values in the same columns on the My Benefits in the Employee role and the Benefits tab of the Employee in the Manager role. They do not include any projected accrual awards.

    The Total Hours Approved field near the top right corner of the page also tracks the total number of hours in the request that you have marked for approval, even if the Accruals table is not visible.

  3. If you want to provide any comments or additional information regarding your review decision, enter them in the Reviewer Comments field.

  4. When you have marked each row as approved or denied, the button to the left of the Cancel Request button will become available. Use this button to submit your review. The label on the button will vary, depending on how you have marked the request rows:

Notes: As a reviewer, you cannot edit time off requests. You can only approve, deny, or partially approve requests as they are submitted. You also cannot change your review decisions after you have submitted them.

A requester can specify a date by which he or she would like a request to be reviewed. This date is displayed prominently near the top of the Time Off Request in the Practitioner role. Depending on your company’s policies and configuration, one of the three following actions is taken when a request is not reviewed by this date:

- An Inbox message is sent to the global reviewer asking him or her to review the request. (This is only possible in companies that define the primary reviewer as each requesting employee’s supervisor.)

- The request is automatically canceled by the Time & Attendance module.

- The request remains in a pending review state until a manager or practitioner reviews or cancels it, the requester cancels it, or the Time & Attendance module cancels it (the latter happens when any of the dates in the request moves into a closed pay period).

Other managers and practitioners who have the appropriate security group access can also review and cancel employee requests, although only the designated primary reviewer (usually the requester's immediate manager) is notified when a request is submitted or changes status.

After a request has been approved, or partially approved and then accepted, the approved time off will be applied to the requester's schedule as non-worked schedules. Employees can view these non-worked schedules on the Schedule at a Glance (on the Home page), on the My Labor page, and in the Monthly Schedule. In the Manager role, non-worked schedules created by the Time Off Requests feature are visible on the Schedules page, where they are indicated with a small green diamond green diamond (Samll Green Diamond) icon. In the Practitioner role, these non-worked schedules can be seen on the Monthly Schedule, accessed from the Timecard Manager. These schedules cannot be modified or deleted from the Schedules page in the Manager role, the Edit Schedule page,the Manager role and the Practitioner role, or in or fact, in any way other than by canceling the original time off request (see Canceling an Employee's Time Off Request). Canceling a request restores the schedules that existed before the time off request was approved or partially approved and then accepted by the requester.

When non-worked schedules are applied to an employee's schedule as the result of an approved or partially approved time off request, the new non-worked schedules supersede any existing worked schedules. Even if the approved non-worked time overlaps only a portion of a worked schedule, the worked schedule will be entirely suppressed. If you expect an employee to work the non-overlapped portion of a regular work schedule, you will have to manually create a worked schedule for that period of time. If an approved and scheduled time off request is later canceled, the non-worked schedules are deleted and any previously existing worked schedules are restored.