A recurring schedule is a repeatable weekly or multi-week schedule pattern, defined by an practitioner based on common work schedules used in your company. You can use the New Recurring Schedule page to quickly assign a recurring schedule to a single employee.

You can also use the
Edit Single mode on the Recurring Schedules tabon the Schedules page to assign a recurring schedule to a single employee or edit an existing assignment. You can use the Assign Multiple mode on the Recurring Schedules tab to assign a recurring schedule to multiple employees in one operation.

For more information about recurring schedules, see Using Recurring Schedules.

To assign a recurring schedule to a single employee:

  1. From the Time & Attendance menu, select Schedules.

    Note: If the Schedules option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Manager in the Role Selector.

  2. Click the Recurring Schedules tab.

    Tip: Depending upon how your system is configured, an employee may have more than one Employee ID. If necessary, adjust the Employee Filter and Schedule Filter until the employee to whom you want to assign a recurring schedule is visible in the schedule grid. You may also need to use the vertical scroll bar to bring the employee into view.

  3. In the employee (left) column of the schedule grid, click the Recurring Schedule button next to the employee's name. The Recurring Schedules page will open and display the employee's recurring schedule assignments for a four-week period beginning with the week that was being viewed on the Schedules page.

    If a recurring schedule has been assigned to a specific day, the descriptive name of the recurring schedule (for example, Basic Schedule) will appear in the calendar cell for that day and the start and end time of the schedule time pair will be shown. If an earnings code has been assigned to the schedule, it will be shown in parentheses. If a recurring schedule has been overridden by a daily schedule, the recurring schedule name still appears in the date cell, but the schedule time pair represents the daily schedule and is marked with a black dot. If a schedule time pair appears with a black dot in a date cell that does not contain a recurring schedule name, a daily schedule, but no recurring schedule, has been assigned for that date. If neither a recurring schedule nor a daily schedule has been assigned for a particular date, the calendar cell will be empty except for the date.

    The Recurring Schedules calendar can only display one schedule time pair per day, so the Multiple Schedules icon is used to indicate that an employee has more that one schedule on a day. When an employee has multiple schedules, the time pair displayed in the Recurring Schedules calendar is made up of the employee's earliest scheduled in time and latest scheduled out time for the day. To view each schedule, click the Monthly Schedule link to switch to the Monthly Schedule page, and then click in the date cell for the same date. The Edit Schedule screen will show each schedule assigned for the day.

  4. If necessary, adjust the Recurring Schedules page start date until the day on which you want to start the new recurring schedule assignment becomes visible.

    By default, the Recurring Schedules page displays the four-week period that begins with the earliest week that was being viewed in the schedule grid. However, unlike the grid on the Schedules page (which can start on any day of the week), the Recurring Schedules view always starts with the day of the week specified as the start day of week for your company.

    The Previous and Next buttons move the Recurring Schedules view backwards and forwards in four-week increments. You can also change the range of dates displayed by selecting a date using the Calendar Lookup button (or by manually entering a date into the date box) and then clicking the Find button. The Recurring Schedules page will refresh and display the four-week period that begins with the week that contains the date you entered. To return to a four-week view that begins with the current week, click the Current Week button.

  5. Click the date cell for the date on which you would like the new recurring schedule assignment to become effective. You cannot start a new recurring schedule assignment on a date that falls in a past pay period.

    Note: A single employee can be assigned multiple recurring schedules that overlap or are nested, so you can assign a new recurring schedule to a date for which a recurring schedule is already displayed in the calendar. No two recurring schedules can have the same start date for a single employee, however, so the date you select cannot be the start date of the existing recurring schedule. If an employee is assigned to two or more recurring schedules that span a given date, the recurring schedule with the latest effective start date takes precedence and is shown in the Recurring Schedules calendar.

  6. On the New Recurring Schedule screen, click the Lookup button next to the Recurring Schedule box and then select from the Recurring Schedule Lookup window the recurring schedule you want to assign.

Note: The list includes only the schedules that are available for immediate use. You can view all recurring schedules by selecting the Include Hidden Recurring Schedules option. The Hidden column will display with check marks for those schedules that have been hidden. You can assign any schedule in the list, including those marked as Hidden, to employees.

9.      If desired, click the Preview link to view in a pop-up window the schedule pattern defined for the selected recurring schedule.

Tip: To view even more detail about the recurring schedule, click a week number in the preview. The window will expand to show more detailed information, such as multiple time pairs on the schedule or the earnings code, lunch plan, shift rule, Flextime rule or labor charge categories that have been associated with the schedule. When you are finished looking at the preview and/or detail, click Close.

Note: Although your company may use more than two labor charge categories, only two labor charge fields can be associated with a schedule. Your system administrator determines which labor charge fields are available for schedules.

If your company has chosen not to use the optional Shift Rules or Flextime features, the Shift Rule and Flextime Rule fields do not appear.

10.   If you are not satisfied with the chosen recurring schedule, repeat the procedure to select a different one.

11.   If necessary, edit the Start Date field, which indicates the date on which the recurring schedule will first be applied. A start date is required.

Tip: The Start Date defaults to the date that you selected on the Recurring Schedules calendar.

12.   If necessary, edit the End date field, which indicates the date on which the recurring schedule will end.

Tip: An end date is not required. If you leave this field blank, the recurring schedule will be in effect indefinitely.

13.   If the selected recurring schedule is for a multiple-week schedule, enter the week number of the template that should be used when the recurring schedule is first applied (on the start date). If the recurring schedule is a one-week pattern, leave the Start Week set to 1.

Tip: It may be helpful to view the template preview again to make this decision.

14.   Click the Submit button.

Tip: To view the results of your change, click the Recurring Schedules link in the Back To area at the bottom of the New Recurring Schedule page. The Recurring Schedules calendar page will open and reflect your new recurring schedule assignment.