Creating a Time Off Request |
To create a request for time off:
From the Time & Attendance menu, select My Timecard.
Note: If the My Timecard option is not available, make sure that you have selected Employee in the Role Selector.
Click the Request Time Off button. A blank Time Off Request page opens.
Tips: You can also open a blank Time Off Request page by clicking the New Time Off Request link on the Employee Calendar or the Time Off Request section on the My Attendance page. You can access the My Attendance page by selecting My Attendance from the Time & Attendance menu.
In the Description field, enter a short description of the reason for your time off request (for example, Summer Vacation). Entering a description is optional, but descriptions make it easier to identify time off requests later.
In the Comments field, enter any further explanation of the request that you want to provide to your manager or include for future reference. Comments are not required.
Using the calendar on the left side of the page, select the dates for which you are requesting time off. When a date is selected, it is displayed with a red background in the calendar and a row containing the date is added to the request table on the right side of the page.
Time off requests can be made for up to 30 dates and for up to a year
in advance, but they cannot include the current date. The calendar
tool will not allow users to select dates outside of this range.
By default, all of the days of the week are shown in the calendar,
but you can deselect the Show
Weekends check box to hide weekend days.
To select all of the dates displayed on a calendar row, click the small
triangle ()
to the left of the row. All the days for which you have existing work
schedules will be selected. If you have no existing schedules for
the row (week) selected, all of the days for that week will be selected.
To deselect a day in the calendar, merely click it again. To deselect
a row in the calendar, click the small triangle ()
to the left of the row.
To create two lines for a single date (in order to request two different
non-worked time segments, or to attribute portions of the same day
to more than one non-worked earnings code), click the date in the
calendar tool to add a row for the date and then click the small plus
sign () next to the date in the table to add a
second row with the same date.
To remove a row, select the appropriate check box in the Remove
Row column and then click the Delete
For each row in the request table, use the drop-down menu in the Earnings Code column to select the non-worked earnings code (for example, Vacation) that should be associated with the proposed time off. To apply the same earnings code to all of the rows in the table, make your selection using the drop-down menu in the header (title) row if the table.
If your company tracks accrued benefits in the Time & Attendance module,
an Accruals table near the top right corner of the page will display
the following information about your accrued balances:
Accrual Description — The
name of each accrual that applies to you.
Earnings Codes — The earnings
code used to award, and to record usage of, your hours in each specific
accrual. An accrual may include hours that are attributed to more
than one earnings code. For example, your company may have more than
one type of ”Paid Time Off” and may track each with a different earnings
code. If more than one earnings code is associated with an accrual,
a folder icon ()
is displayed in this column and a number next to the folder indicates
how many earnings codes correspond to the accrual. Clicking the folder
opens an expanded list of the individual earnings codes.
Balance — Your current balance
for each accrual, as of the time at which a time pair was last processed.
The balances in this column only reflect accrual transactions and
time pairs that have already been recorded.
Scheduled — The total non-worked
time that has been scheduled, but has not yet been recorded as time
pairs, for each listed accrual. This total includes scheduled non-worked
time beginning with the day after the last accrual transaction or
the first day of the current pay period (whichever is later). Non-worked
time that is scheduled as part of regular recurring schedules is not
included in this total.
Request — The number of hours
in each accrual category represented by the current request. The values
in this column will be zero until dates and hours are added to the
request and are assigned to an earnings code. The values will continue
to change as you add and/or change the requested dates, hours, or
earnings codes in the request.
The values in the Balance and Scheduled columns are equivalent to the
values in the same columns on the My Benefits
They do not include any projected accrual awards.
If necessary, edit the values in the Start Time field for each date row that you have added to the request table.
The Start Time is initially populated with a default value drawn from
one of the following sources (in the order given):
- Your normal work schedule for the requested date
- Your default shift (if applicable)
- Default values defined by your company for your pay group
The Scheduled Start Time and Scheduled Hours columns show basic information
about your existing schedule for each selected date.
If the Days column is visible, select from the drop-down menu the number of days of the accrued benefit (e.g., vacation) you are taking for each selected date.
The Days column will only be editable if you have selected an earnings
code that is associated with an benefit accrual that your company
tracks in days. If you have not selected this type of earnings code
for any line--or if your company does
not track accrued benefits in days--the
Days column will not be visible.
After you select a Days value, the application will automatically calculate
the corresponding value for the Hours column, based on your company's
policies. In most cases, employees are not allowed to change this
automatically calculated Hours value. (If you are allowed to override
the automatically calculated Hours value, that column will be editable.)
You must select one of the values available in the Days drop-down menu.
Other values cannot be entered.
For each line for which you have selected an earnings code that is not tracked in days, enter in the Hours column the total number of hours you are taking in that earnings code on that day. The Hours column will be editable for these lines.
The Hours column is initially populated with a default value drawn
from the following sources (in the order given):
- Your normal work schedule for the requested date
- Your default shift (if applicable)
- Default values defined by your company for your pay group
As you add dates and adjust the Hours for each date, the Total Hours
Requested field near the top of the page displays the total hours
you have added to the request.
If you would like
your request reviewer to review the request by a certain date, click
the button next to the
Review By field and select
the date. This field is optional. If you specify a date and the request
is not reviewed by that date, it will be forwarded to the designated
"global reviewer" for your company.
Click the Submit button. If there are no errors in your request, your primary reviewer will receive an Inbox message indicating that the new request is pending review, and you will receive an Inbox message confirming your request submission. You will also receive an Inbox message when the reviewer approves, partially approves, denies, or cancels the request. Depending on company and individual settings, these messages may also be sent by e-mail (for more information, see Setting Preferences for Receiving E-mail Messages).
The Submit button will be
grayed out unless and until all of the required fields for the request
are completed.
A time off request cannot overlap previously existing non-worked schedules.
If your request overlaps previously scheduled non-worked time, an
error message will be displayed after you attempt to submit the request.
If a request is not reviewed by the first date for which time off was
requested, the entire request will be canceled. You will receive an
Inbox message (and possibly and e-mail message, depending on your
message settings) if this happens.