After a reviewer takes action on a time off request you have submitted, you will receive a notification in your Time & Attendance Module Inbox (and possible by e-mail as well, depending on your company's configuration and your Inbox preferences). There are three possible outcomes of a review:

To view and (if applicable) respond to a request that has been reviewed:

  1. From the Time & Attendance menu, select My Attendance. The Time Off Request section will display information about all of the time off requests you have created during the current year. Requests that have been reviewed will have one of the following statuses:

Tip: To filter the list to display only requests with a specific status, click the Down Arrow button in the Status field and select the appropriate status.

  1. To view more detailed information about a request, click the request number for the request (in the left-most column). This opens the Time Off Request page for the specific request, which is now entirely read-only and contains additional fields (such as Reviewed On, Reviewed By, Reviewer Comments, and Total Hours Approved). These additional fields provide specific information about the review. If the request was canceled by the reviewer, the fields Canceled On, Canceled By, and Cancellation Comments will also be visible.

    A table at the bottom of the page displays the review decision (Approved or Denied), as well as the Date, Start Time, Hours, Days (if used by your company and applicable), and Earnings Code, for each row of your request.

    If the request has the status Denied or Canceled, no buttons will be available and no tasks can be performed for the request.

    If the request was approved, only the Cancel Request button will be visible. If you want to cancel the request, click this button and then click OK in the confirmation window.

    If the request was partially approved, two buttons will be available. Click the Accept Partial Approval button if you are agreeable to the partial approval. The status of the request will change to Accepted and the approved portions of the requested non-worked time will be applied to the employee’s schedule. If the partial approval is not acceptable, click the Cancel Request button and then click OK in the confirmation dialog. The status of the request will change to Canceled by Requester.

    Both you and the reviewer will receive an Inbox message when you accepts or cancel the partially approved request.