Resolving Exceptions for Early and Late Clock-Ins and Clock-Outs
The procedures for resolving many clocking-related exceptions are quite similar. This topic describes how to resolve a Clocked Out Early exception, but the same procedure can also be use to resolve the following exceptions:
Clocked In Early exception
Clocked In Late exception
Clocked Out Late exception
To resolve a Clocked Out Early exception:
From the Home page, click the Exceptions by Employee link.
In the Exceptions column, click Clocked Out Early.
A new page will display a list of all of the time pairs in the selected pay period that have early clock-out times.
Tip: To view more detailed information about a time pair in the list, click the icon in the Status column.
Review the actual recorded time and the scheduled time on each row and select the check box for the solution you want to apply to each time pair. The two solutions that are available for Clocked Out Early exceptions are described in the table below.
Checking this box indicates that you are aware that the employee clocked out early and that the employee's time pair does not need to be edited. The Clocked Out Early exception will be saved in the application, but it will no longer appear in the list of exceptions on your Home page. Note: Although the timecard exception will no longer appear in the timecard exception summaries on the Home page, the exception still exists (because the clock out time was not changed) and may contribute to an Early Out attendance exception if the employee's company tracks attendance. |
Use Schedule
Checking this box resolves the exception by using the employee's schedule to rectify the inappropriate time punch. In the case of an early out punch, the normal scheduled out time would replace the early out punch. Notes: |
Note: You may only select one solution per row/time pair. To apply the same solution to every time pair in the list, click the check box in the header row of the appropriate solution column.
After you have selected solutions for every row for which a solution is available, click the Submit button to save and apply the solutions.
You do not have to use an automated solution to resolve a timecard exception
for an early or late clock-in or clock-out, although two solutions are
available for these types of exceptions. You can also resolve these exceptions
by editing or deleting the time pair associated with the exception. To
open a Single Employee Timecard Manager so that you can edit
or delete
a time pair, click the time pair link in the list of exceptions.
If you resolve an exception by altering a time pair, whether by editing
it directly in a Timecard Manager or by selecting the "Use Schedule"
automatic solution, there is a chance that your edit may cause a different
exception. Because most timecard exceptions are not recognized until a
time pair is processed, newly created exceptions may not show up immediately.
To verify that you have cleared all exceptions without introducing new
exceptions, make sure that all time pairs have been successfully processed
before checking to see that no exceptions appear on your Home page. Successfully processed
time pairs will be marked with a icon
on the Group Labor page
and the Timecard Manager.