To access the Recurring Schedules - Assign Multiple mode, click the Schedules link on the Home page. Then click the Recurring Schedules tab and the Delete or Restore Multiple action mode radio button.

The Recurring Schedules - Delete or Restore Multiple action mode allows you to remove or end a recurring schedule assignment for one or more employees. A recurring schedule is a repeatable weekly or multi-week schedule pattern, defined by an administrator based on common work schedules used in your company. For more information about recurring schedules, see Understanding Recurring Schedules.

The schedule grid displays scheduling information for all of your filtered employees, allowing you to view the effects of your recurring schedule assignment modifications and deletions on your overall staffing levels.

The Recurring Schedules - Delete or Restore Multiple action mode includes four update modes that allow you to perform the following tasks:

For step-by-step instructions on performing any one of these tasks, click the task in the above list. The sections below explain some of the features of the Recurring Schedules - Delete or Restore Multiple mode that are common to all of these tasks.

Note: You can view recurring schedule information for all of your filtered employees from any of the Recurring Schedules action modes.

Selecting Cells in the Schedule Grid

In the Recurring Schedules - Delete or Restore Multiple mode, you select employees rather than dates from the schedule grid. To select an employee, click the employee's name (or any date in the employee's row of the schedule grid). To select multiple employees, simply click each employee name. Each employee you select will be added to your cumulative selection and will be highlighted in a blue-green (teal) color. To deselect a highlighted employee, simply click the employee's name again.

To select a range of consecutive employees, click the name of the first employee you want to include in your selection, press and hold the ALT key, and then click the name of the last employee you want to include. Both employees and all of the employees listed between them will be selected. You can use this method to select all of the employees in the grid. You will have to use the vertical scroll bar if you want to select more employees than are visible on one screen.

Date Field

The Date field in the Recurring Schedules - Delete or Restore Multiple action mode has different functions depending on the update mode selected. If you are ending a recurring schedule assignment, the Date field indicates the last date on which the schedule will be effective. If you are deleting a recurring schedule, the Date field indicates the start date of the assignment that you are selecting for deletion. You cannot delete recurring schedule assignments that have a start date that falls in a past pay period.

Action Buttons

The action buttons in the Recurring Schedules - Delete or Restore Multiple action mode vary depending upon the selected update mode.

Delete button

Initiates the deletion of the selected recurring schedule. After you click this button, a confirmation dialog box will prompt you to confirm the deletion before it is made permanent.

End Recurring Schedule button

Changes the end date of the selected recurring schedule(s) to the date specified in the Date field. After you click this button, a confirmation dialog box will prompt you to confirm the changes before they are made permanent.

Cancel button

Discards any selections you have made or dates you have entered.