Importing Data |
If your Time & Attendance module database does not yet contain data, you must import your data in the following order: departments, security groups, employees, users, accruals. This is required because some data cannot be entered until other data is present in the application. For example, you cannot create user accounts until employee information is present. If your database already contains data in these areas, you can import your data in any order you choose.
The following procedure describes how to import employee data, but you can also use it to import other types of data. Simply follow the instructions below, but select a different import template in step 4.
To import data to the Time & Attendance module:
From the Time & Attendance menu, select Maintenance.
Note: If the Maintenance option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Practitioner in the Role Selector.
Under the Imports heading on the Maintenance page, click the Imports link.
On the Recent Imports page, click the New Import button on the right side of the page.
From the Select a predefined template drop-down menu on the New Import page, select Employee Import. To import a different type of data, select a different template from the menu.
In the Enter a description for this data import field, enter a short phrase that clearly identifies the data you are importing. For example, if you are importing exempt employees, you might enter "Exempt Employee Import." This is a required field.
In the User
to Receive Inbox Message on Completion field, click the button.
In the User Lookup window, select the user whom you want to receive
the Time & Attendance module
Inbox message when the import is complete. The Inbox message includes
the number of records added, the number of records updated, and the
number of records skipped due to errors. This is an optional field.
In the E-mail Address for Additional Notification of Completion field, enter or edit the e-mail address to which you want an e-mail message sent when the import is complete. The e-mail message includes the number of records added, the number of records updated, and the number of records skipped due to errors. This is an optional field.
If an import file path is
present in the Current Import File field, highlight the path and press
Ctrl+C to copy it. Then click in the last field on the page (next
to the Browse button) and press Ctrl+V to paste the path in the field.
If an import file path is not present in the Current Import File field,
enter the path to the file you want to import in the last field on
the page (next to the Browse button) or click the Browse
button to navigate to and select the file you want to import.
Note: If an import file path is not present in the Current Import File field, a path was not defined when the template for this import was created. Even if an import path is displayed in the Current Import File field, you are not required to use it. You can enter a different path or use the Browse button to navigate to and select a different file.
Click the Submit button.
After you click the Submit button, the Recent
Imports page opens. The import you created appears first in the list
of imports with the icon in the status column,
indicating that the import process has not yet begun. After a few
minutes, click the Recent Imports
menu item on the left side of the page. The status column displays
icon if the import completed successfully.
For a description of all of the status icons and each column on the
Recent Imports page, see The Recent Imports