Nursing home facilities are required to report to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) all worked hours by calendar day that are paid related to direct care of patients. It is recommended that you upload this information to the CMS on a pay period basis, after you have moved to the next pay period. ADP recommends that you run this report and submit the data to CMS after each pay period. You can run the Pay Detail report before each pay period closes to verify your data.

The Payroll Based Journal Worksheet contains employee and worked hours information that you will save in a CSV (comma separated values) file. You will then convert the CSV file into a CMS-ready format (XML format).

ADP has set up a report for each facility that you need to report hours for. These reports are located in the My Reports area.

Note: A maximum of 100 days of information can be pulled into one report at a time. If you need to report on more than 100 days, you'll need to run the report several times.

To run the Payroll-Based Journal Worksheet:

  1. On the Reports menu, select Time & Attendance Reports.

    Note: If the Time & Attendance Reports option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Practitioner in the Role Selector.

  2. In the My Reports section, locate the Payroll-Based Journal Worksheet report for the facility you would to report on. The report will appear as Payroll-Based Journal Worksheet - [Facility ID].

  3. Click the Edit Report button to the left of the report in the list. The Edit Report page opens and displays the default settings associated with the report.

  4. Review the settings on the Edit Report page and make changes as necessary. The table below provides general information about the fields and settings that appear on this page.


    Enter a logical name for your new report.

    Tip: The name displayed in this field has been created by your ADP representative. It is recommended that you do not change the name of the report.

    Report Title

    Enter the title of the report, as you want it to appear in the header.


    Enter a description of the report that clearly identifies the report's contents.

    Print Options

    Allows you to specify print options for the report:

    • Print in Landscape: Select this check box to print the report in Landscape orientation.

    • Print using Best Fit: Select this check box to allow the Time & Attendance module to determine if the report fits the page better using Portrait or Landscape orientation.

    Time Frame

    The Define at Runtime option for Time Frame is the only setting available. You will be prompted to enter a "from" and "to" date each time you attempt to view or download the report. See Specifying a Time Frame at Runtime.

    Available Fields / Selected Fields

    Use the Right Arrow and Left Arrow buttons to move fields from the Available Fields box to the Selected Fields box and/or from the Selected Fields box to the Available Fields box until only the fields that you want to appear in the report are listed in the Selected Fields box. Then use the Up Arrow and DownArrow buttons to adjust the order in which the selected fields should appear on the report.

    The report includes the following fields:Employee’s position ID, hire date, termination date, last name, first name, pay date (which reflects the calendar date), hours, Worked CMS Facility, Worked Job Title, and Worked Pay Type .

    You can select up to four additional fields to include on the report.

    Report Options

    Allows you to specify report options. These options will appear in the header of the report PDF.

    • File Specific Version: Do not change the value in this field unless directed by your ADP service team.

    • State Code: Two character abbreviation for the state where the facility is located.

    • Report Quarter: The quarter you are reporting on.

    • Federal Fiscal Year: Four digit year you are reporting on.

    • Process Type: You have the option to merge or replace your data when submitting your staffing hours to CMS.

      • Merge: If you select Merge for the Process Type field, staffing hours will be compared to existing data. If there is an exact match, the data will be overwritten in CMS. If an exact match is not found, the data for that worked date will be added to CMS. For example, you have submitted hours for Week 1 for all employees at the Pennsylvania facility. You need to make a correction in hours for one employee on a specific date in Week 1. When you submit the file with a process type of Merge, the hours for that employee on the specific date are replaced and the remainder of the data is left intact.

      • Replace: If you select Replace for the Process Type field, all staffing hours data for the specified quarter will be removed from the active database and replaced with the data submitted in the file. For example, you submit hours for Week 1 for all employees at the Pennsylvania facility. You then submit your hours for Week 2 and select a process type of Replace. Week 1 hours are removed and Week 2 hours are added. Only Week 2 hours remain in the database.

    Create a New Filter

    To narrow the scope of the report, in the Select Field drop down, click the Down Arrow  and select the category for which you want to create a filter.

    It is required that you add a filter to include the earnings codes that pertain to paid worked time.  

  5. Click Save.

  6. Next to the report name, click the printer icon to run and display the report.

  7. In the From Date field, enter or select from the calendar the starting date for the quarter you are reporting on.

  8. In the To Date field, enter or select from the calendar the ending date for the quarter you are reporting on.

  9. In the Report Options section, select the appropriate options. See the Report Options section above for information.

  10. Click Submit. The report opens in PDF format for you to review.

  11. To create the CSV file, complete the following:

    1. Click the Download icon.
    2. Use the Calendar Lookup buttons to select the From Date and To Date for the report. (You can also type the dates directly into the fields.)
    3. In the File Name field, enter a name for the CSV file.
    4. Column headers need to be included in the CSV file so make sure that Include Column Headers is selected.
    5. Click Submit.
  12. Depending on your browser and security settings, the File Download dialog box may appear. If this dialog box appears, you can click Open to view the CSV file immediately or click Save to select a file location and save the file to your computer's hard drive. Follow the remaining on-screen dialog boxes to finish saving the file.

    Note: If you select Open, the CSV file is opened using the default application you have associated with CSV files.

  13. Repeat these steps for each facility you need to report hours for.

Next Step: Run the Payroll-Based Journal Worksheet-CMS Format XML conversion tool.