You can use the Quick Charge feature to assign portions of existing time pairs to different earnings codes. Quick Charge will split the time pair at the time you specify and assign the reported time that falls after the split to the earnings code you specify. You can split the time pairs of multiple time-based employees at once.

To split a time pair to record an earnings code change:

  1. From the Time & Attendance menu, select Timecards.

    Note: If the Timecards option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Manager in the Role Selector.

  2. Click the Quick Charge link.

  3. In the upper right corner of the Recent Quick Charge Requests page, click the New Request link.

  4. On the New Quick Charge Request Step 1 page, select the Charge to an Earnings Code radio button.

  5. Click the Next button.

  6. On the New Quick Charge Request Step 2 page, select the employees to whom the earnings code will be applied. To select an employee, click the employee's name in the Employee List box and then click the Right Arrow button to move the employee to the Selected Employees box.

  7. In the Charge Time date and time boxes, enter the date and time at which the earnings code you will specify should be applied.

    The charge date and time default to the current date and time. You can use the Calendar Lookup button to select the date from a calendar.

    When you submit the Quick Charge request, the Time & Attendance module will split any time pairs that the selected employees have recorded that span the specified charge time. For each employee, the new earnings code will be applied to the latter of the two time pairs created by the split. If a selected employee does not have an existing time pair that spans the charge time, a new time pair will be opened using the specified charge time as the "time in."

  8. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the reason for the Quick Charge.

  9. In the Earnings Code field, enter a valid earnings code to be applied at the time of the Quick Charge (or use the Lookup button to select a valid code).

  10. Click the Submit button.

  11. On the New Quick Charge Request Step 3 page, click the Finished button to return to the Recent Quick Charge Requests page.

Quick Charge transactions can only be applied to time-based employees.

If you use Quick Charge to record earnings code changes after an employee has approved his or her timecard, the approval will be cleared and the employee will have to approve the timecard with the new earnings code(s).

You can also use Quick Charge to record in and out times and to charge time to different labor categories.