Creating a Schedule for a Single Employee on a Single Day |
To use the schedule grid to create a new schedule for a single employee on a single day:
From the Time & Attendance menu, select Schedules.
Note: If the Schedules option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Manager in the Role Selector.
In the schedule grid, click the cell that represents the employee and date for which you want to create a schedule.
Tip: Depending upon how your system is configured, an employee may have more than one Employee ID. You may need to adjust the employee filter and schedule filter, change the date range, and/or use the scroll bars if the employee and date are not visible in the schedule grid.
In the Schedules box, near the top left corner of the page, select New.
Tip: If the employee has no pre-existing schedules for the selected date, New will be selected by default.
At the top of the page, enter the In time and Out time for the new schedule. These fields are required.
The In and Out date fields default to the date of the cell you selected
in the schedule grid. If the out time you enter is equal to or earlier
than the in time, the application will increase the out date by one
when you apply your changes.
In most cases, you do not need to enter a value in the Hours field.
The application will calculate the hours for the time pair when you
apply the schedule. However, if you are using an hours-based earnings
code (for example, a non-worked earnings code such as Vacation or
Jury), you must enter the total hours rather than in and out times.
To use schedule properties you have saved as a Quick Shift, click in the
Quick Shift area, select the appropriate shift, and then click
For more information, see Using
Quick Shifts.
If desired, use the buttons to select an earnings code, a lunch
plan, a shift rule, Flextime rule and/or one or two labor charge codes
to be associated with the schedule.
These fields are optional. If you do select or enter values for these
fields, they will override the employee's assigned defaults.
Although your company may use more than two labor charge categories,
only two labor charge fields can be associated with a schedule. Practitioners determine which
labor charge fields are available for use with schedules, based on
your company's configuration.
If you have applied a Quick Shift, these fields will contain the values
(if any) associated with the Quick Shift you selected. You can edit
them if necessary. (Any edits you make will not be saved back to your
Quick Shift definition unless you click and
then OK.)
If your company has chosen not to use the optional Shift Rules or Flextime
features, the Shift Rule and Flextime Rule fields do not appear.
Click the Apply button. The newly created schedule will be added to the selected cell in the schedule grid, and a small blue triangle will appear in the bottom right corner of the cell to indicate that the cell contains unsaved changes.
Note: Using the Apply button does not save your changes. Your applied changes are not saved until you click the Submit button. If you navigate out of the Daily Schedules tab without submitting your applied changes, they will be lost. You can remove your unsaved changes, if desired, by clicking the Cancel button.
Click the Submit button to save your changes.