To resolve an exception created by overtime hours:

  1. From the Time & Attendance menu, select Home.

    Note: If the Home option is not visible, make sure that you have selected Manager in the Role Selector.

  2. In the Exceptions column, click Overtime Hours Found.

    A new page will display a list of all of the time pairs containing overtime hours.

    Tip: To view more detailed information about a time pair in the list, click the icon in the Status column.

  3. Review the actual recorded time and the scheduled time on each row.

  4. For each overtime time pair that is acceptable, click the Note check box in the Solutions column.

    Note: The "Note" solution is the only automatic solution available for resolving overtime hours exceptions. Clicking this box indicates that you are aware of the overtime hours and that they do not need to be edited.

  5. Click the Submit button to save and apply the solutions.

Note: If you do not approve of a time pair that contains overtime hours, click the time pair in the exceptions list. This will open the Single Employee Timecard Manager, from which you can edit or delete the time pair as necessary.