Creating a Deviation from a Recurring Schedule |
If you have assigned your employees to any of the template-based recurring schedules defined by a practitioner, you may occasionally need to modify a particular employee's schedule to reflect special circumstances. You can do this easily by creating a schedule deviation, which is simply a daily schedule that replaces an employee's template-based recurring schedule for a single day.
To create a schedule deviation for a single employee on a single day, use the Edit Schedule page to view the employee's scheduled time pairs for the day and to edit, as necessary, the time pair related to the effective recurring schedule for that day. This procedure is identical to editing a daily schedule.
If an employee will not be working at all on a day that normally includes scheduled hours as part of a recurring schedule, you can create a schedule deviation that removes the recurring schedule for that day. The procedure for creating this deviation is the same as the procedure described in Deleting an Employee's Schedule for a Specific Day.
When you create a schedule deviation, you replace (or remove) an employee's
template-based recurring schedule for a single day, but neither the master
recurring schedule template nor the rest of the employee's recurring schedule
assignment is affected. If you later want to remove the employee's schedule
deviations and reassign the employee to the standard recurring schedule
based on the template, see Removing
Schedule Deviations (Restoring a Recurring Schedule).
All of the procedures mentioned on this page can also be performed from
the Schedules page
scheduling grid.